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2023 Elder Pride Awards Sponsor Opportunities

We invite both businesses and individuals to join us as sponsors. Please consider supporting Elder Pride Services in this essential way! See below for a list of sponsor levels and accompanying sponsor benefits.


  • Full-page, 5" x 8" ad in inside cover of printed event program and slideshow
  • Five reserved seats at the awards event (Please RSVP to rsvp@fhpdx.org)
  • Logo featured prominently on our event website and Friendly House website (one year)
  • Company profile in our monthly EPS enews
  • Thank-you in our print newsletter
  • Two postings on social media promoting sponsorship



  • Full-page, 5" x 8" ad in printed event program and slideshow
  • Four reserved seats at the awards event (Please RSVP to rsvp@fhpdx.org)
  • Logo featured prominently on our event website and Friendly House website (one year)
  • Company profile in our monthly EPS enews
  • Thank-you in our print newsletter
  • Two postings on social media promoting sponsorship


  • Half-page, 5" x 4" ad in event program and slideshow
  • Three reserved seats at the awards event (Please RSVP to rsvp@fhpdx.org)
  • Logo featured prominently on our event website and Friendly House website (one year)
  • Thank-you in our monthly EPS enews
  • Thank-you in our print newsletter
  • Two postings on social media promoting sponsorship


  • Quarter-page ad, 5" x 2" in event program and slideshow
  • Two reserved seats at the awards event (Please RSVP to rsvp@fhpdx.org)
  • Logo featured on our event website and Friendly House website (one year)
  • Thank-you in our monthly EPS enews
  • Thank-you in our print newsletter
  • One posting on social media promoting sponsorship

I would like to make a donation


  • Home First Development
  • The Standard
  • Glen Ulmer & Marcelo Santibanez
  • Multnomah County Aging, Disability & Veterans Services Division