Event Logo Image


To be able to offer events such as the Community Kettle we rely on the generous support of partners to cover the costs. We hope that you will consider investing in our community by supporting this event with a sponsorship. The Community Kettle is about coming together, sharing what we have, and helping those in need. It's what community is all about. Join us!



  • Logo featured prominently on our event website and the Friendly House website.
  • Logo on all printed and electronic collateral for the event.
  • Three or more postings on social media promoting sponsorship.
  • Most prominent signage at the event.
  • Profile in Friendly House’s E-news.


  • Logo featured prominently on our event website and the Friendly House website.
  • Logo on all printed and electronic collateral for the event.
  • Two or more postings on social media promoting sponsorship.
  • Prominent signage at the event.



  • Logo featured on our event website and the Friendly House website.
  • Logo on all printed and electronic collateral for the event.
  • One or more postings on social media promoting sponsorship.
  • Signage at the event.



  • Logo on our event website and the Friendly House website.
  • Logo on most printed and electronic collateral for the event.
  • Mention in social media posts promoting sponsorships.
  • Signage at the event.


For inquiries regarding sponsorship please contact our Fundraising Department: donate@fhpdx.org

Become a Sponsor:
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Presenting Sponsor $0.00

Gold Sponsor $0.00

Silver Sponsor $0.00

Bronze Sponsor $0.00

I would like to make a donation
